Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Here comes the brideeeeeeeee....

So it has been almost a day since I blogged.. I'm really enjoying blogging by the way, its keeping me motivated to keep on track with everything 'wedding'.
Well in the last day a few things have happened..

I thought about my wedding song for walking down the aisle and went back and forth in my head with possibilities.. and man there were endless choices..
Vanilla Ice, 2pac, shakira? .. I'm serious by the way...... .... dead serious :P
Every song I have been listening to I have been analyzing going.. could this be the one?

And there is one that has been stuck in my head for my 'grand' entry for our garden wedding...top of the list actually.. now dont laugh (click on the youtube link to play)


Its River Flows In You by Yurima - featured on the twilight soundtrack BUT not in the movie :)

I like it! Do you like it? What are you walking down the aisle too??
I know Im going to cop it from a few twilight fans, for the record Im not a vampire girl.. or close to being a fanatic. I did enjoy the books tho.

Coastal City Bride - Charis xx

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