Monday, April 12, 2010

Rethinking program layout

Amen for mock ups!

I did the layout for my programs and well and the colors just do not look right.

So I have a few concerns.

(This is a mock up and I realised after I printed the program stuff inside I used a different heading font than what I intended.Also the wording in the program is a fib, I'm missing a groomsmen! woops! we haven't finalised the order or service or content of the program I just wanted to work on the aesthetics)

I think the program looks really short on the background card and I may have misjudged my measurements. oops!

Also I wrote our thank you on the back of the card. and I'm realising now that its not a good idea. It really should be in the program. Because I don't think many people will realise to flip over the back.

Also another concern is that I think many people will take the bands off and let them fall on the ground and not pick them up again.

I think I may just need to simplify it and tweak it a little bit more! Even tho the band is really nice, I may just have to loose it. But I don't want a boring program, as my relatives keep it as keepsakes!

Have you ever done a project your not completely happy with? did you tweak it or leave it?
Coastal City Bride - Charis xx

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